List of Our Journals
About us
Pan-African Journal Series was founded on two key tenets: To publish the most exciting researches with respect to the subjects of our functional Journals. Secondly, to provide a rapid turn-around time possible for reviewing and publishing and to disseminate the articles for teaching and reference purposes.
Pan-African Journal Series was established by a group of seniors academicians who were not satisfied with the international publishing outlets available to African scholars. They formed an alternative publishing outlet based in Accra, Ghana that focused on fostering academic publishing in Africa with the objective to make the information available at the desk/libraries of the researchers.
In order to further advance this course the Pan-Africa Journal Series has initiated the International Conference on Research and Development (ICRD). The maiden edition of this conference was held at the Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana, Accra, Ghana between November 25-28, 2008. The conference attracted over 400 Scholars.
The Second Edition of the ICRD was held in Salle Audio Visuelle, Universite Nationale du Benin, Aborney-Calavi, Contonou, Republic of Benin and was attained by over 500 scholars.The ICRD is an important arm of the Pan-African Journal Series as it is charge with the responsibility of formulating the Editorial Policy and facilitating the Peer Review Process.
The Pan-African Journal Series has uplifted itself into an important journal publisher on the World Stage with offices and representation in over 40 countries. The Pan-African Journal Series is made up of 10 Journals with working strength of about 30 people excluding Editors and Reviewers. The Pan-African Journal Series has always stressed upon the importance of internationality and relevance to practice in its publishing philosophy/motto.
As an internationally recognized publisher, the Pan-Africa Journal Series is guided by the following principles:
- Continuously improving services
- To provide an active platform to African researchers for publishing and distributing their research work world-wide with all possible channels.
As the leading publisher of academic and professional literature, Pan-Africa Journal Series strives to be the publisher of choice for academics, researchers and professionals. The Journals always focus on the needs of academics, researchers and professionals. Besides, we stress the editorial board members and reviewers to focus on novelty of contents, application and beneficial implication of theory for practice.
Online submission/peer review system and fast publication process are the fundamental features of the journals. With the above mentioned untiring efforts,the Pan-Africa Journal Series has gained an outstanding reputation for helping to disseminate academic/researcher information.
Pan-African Journal Series is published by the Pan-African Book Company. Pan-African Journal Series Consists of 13 Scholarly Peer-Reviewed Journals which are promoted and regulated by the International Conference on Research and Innovation organized annually by the intitute.